Miscellaneous Approval
Office Culture > Miscellaneous Approval
1. Go to Office and choose
Apart from system defined Approval module, the i3Teamworks Miscellaneous Approval offers a more flexible platform for any kind of approval. Be it an Overtime ...
1. Go to Office and choose
2. Tap on Dashboard
3. Click on Request A New Approval
Enter the required information as specified in the form
Request Titlle
Description of request
If there is no Template available, Super Admin has to create one. Learn how to Set Predefined template
1. Go to Office and choose
2. Tap on Dashboard
3. Choose from the available...
If you are one of the approver, you will be getting an alert on your Main Dashboard for each request.
Click on the Notification, will forward you to the designated approval request.
General Approv...
Requester can Edit or Delete the request provided the status is NEW - not yet undergo the Approval process.
1. Go to Office and choose
2. Tap on
3. Click on the action icon.
Super Admin has to "Create" the template for each Request Type.
1. Go to Office and choose
2. Tap on
3. Categorize your Template here. Cick on tab and
After you have save the reco...
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