If you are creating a New Campaign, you will need to choose the Methodology for the Campaign. Below steps explain how do you proceed when you choose the methodology as "Creative Page - Email To Customer" or "Creative Page - Email To Consumer", you will need to key in the data as per below example.
1. Enter the Campaign Details
- The Page Title selection is pointing to the active Creative Page you have created earlier. To create one, please go to the Creating New Page. Make sure the the page validity period is within the campaign period or more.
- If you use the "Creative Page - Email To Customer" methodology, then you need to choose the Customer Category, and select the contact type.
- While if you choose for "Creative Page - Email To Consumer", then you just need to choose Consumer Category.
- Add your Email Subject and Email Body then click Update.
- In this case, since you already have your Creative Page ready, you can just maintain the #creative_page_content# at the Email Body box as the system will replace the #creative_page_content# with the selected Creative Page.
2. Once updated, you will see a button "Submit for Approval" for the approval before you can send the email out.
3. Once Approved, the status will be change to "Approved" as per below image.
4. You are now need to schedule the broadcast. To do that, just click at the "Schedule For Broadcast" button. Then you will need to key in the date and time for the scedule.
- Click Save and you are ready for the next process.
5. You need to click at the "Prepare Recipient List" and this will make the system to prepare the email at the backend before it sending out to the customer. Take note that this could not be undo as everyting aready prepared at the backend system waiting for the right scheduled time.