Common Data > Customer
1. From your Main Dashboard, go to Common Data and click on Customer 2. Click on Customer tab  Note: You may use the Filter (such as: Assign To, Category, Source, ect ) and type in the keyw...
Before start entering the Customer data, please follow below Setting Step 1: Set Customer Category Step 2: Set Customer Source Step 3: Set Customer Account Prefix 1. From your Main Dashboard, go...
After you have successfully Add the Company Information, next is to Add Contact. You may Add or Remove Contact at anytime. Follow below steps. 1. From your Main Dashboard, go to Common Data  ...
You may update or edit  Customer information such as change Customer Category, change Souce, change Visitation Frequency, change Sharing etc. Follow below steps: 1. From your Main Dashboard, g...
Tag your Customer to the Referrer which introduce them to you or your Company. This can only be done durin ADD Customer process. In i3TW Referrer is classify as User - Referrer is one of your em...
Before start import the Customer data, please follow below Setting Step 1: Set Customer Category Step 2: Set Customer Source Step 3: Set Customer Account Prefix Once the above steps completed, f...
You can search contacts by thier Email or Mobile number. 1. From your Main Dashboard, go to Common Data  and click on Customer 2. Click Manage Customer and click Search 3. Enter either Em...
Export out the Contact information into TEXT file. 1. From your Main Dashboard, go to Common Data  and click on Customer 2. Tap on  and choose 3. Select the criteria and click Export ...
Batch Assgin - To transfer ownership of Customer from one employee to another. 1. From your Main Dashboard, go to Common Data and click on Customer 2. Click Manage Customer and click Batch Assi...
Customers already in the database can be assigned to members of the sales team. Alternatively, they can also choose from those customers that have not been assigned (the “common pool”).M...
Sales Person can Pick Customer from a Common Pool. 1. From your Main Dashboard, go to Common Data and click on Customer 2. Click on Customer tab  3. Select the Assign To = "Unassigned" &n...
Merging 2 Customers allows you to combine 2 profiles and all information into single Customer profile. Manager Level and above is authorize to merge the Customer.  Note: This is not a reversa...
Customer Detail Page is where you can find all information about specific Customer. From Sales Lead, Activities, Proposals, and many others. Just click on the Fuctional button, you will get the info...
To delete the Customer, just simply update the Customer status to DELETE. Follow below steps: 1. From your Main Dashboard, go to Common Data and click on Customer 2. Tap on  Customer  ...
Before you start sending any Marketing Campaign to your Customer, learn how to create your Content here. 1. From your Main Dashboard, go to Common Data and click on Customer 2. Select Customer t...
This function allows you to share related media such as Brouchers, Event Invitation, etc.. with your Customers via email or WhatsApp application. But before that, Super Admin has to upload the Medi...
This function allows you to share related media such as Brouchers, Event Invitation, etc.. with your Customers via email or WhatsApp application. But before that, Super Admin has to upload the Medi...
If you are using i3TW Customer Helpdesk to enter Customer's enquiry, now you may see the trail of all enquiries made by each customer. 1. From your Main Dashboard, go to Common Data and click...
This report shows that your Customer has open the email and clicked on the link provided in the email. *Note: Email broadcast in this case require 3rd party integration which will be advised by M3T...
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