Common Data > Customer
Share Media via Email
Posted by i3Teamworks Admin on 23 Apr 2020

This function allows you to share related media such as Brouchers, Event Invitation, etc.. with your Customers via email or WhatsApp application.

But before that, Super Admin has to upload the Media into Media Rack. Learn it here.

1. From your Main Dashboard, go to Common Data and click on Customer

2. Click on

3. Tap on View to open Customer Detail Page.

4. At Customer detail page, click on Share Media


5. Click on button Share New Media

6. Select the Attachment Media (single or multiple)

7. Select Contact -

Checked on the Email icon to send to single contact.

Checked in the box next to contact's name to send to multiple contacts. Then click "Send Email" button

8. Compose your Email content and send it out.