Work Culture > Task Management
1. Go to Works and choose Task Management 2. Go to Add Task tab 3. Finally, click "Add Task" Tips: You may link the task to a) Project KPI. Learn how to Manage KPI b) Project Milestone....
1. Go to Works and choose Task Management 2. Click on   and click on icon to view your task in calendar mode OR click on icon to view in listing mode   3. Click on the task to ope...
To attach related document to the task, first you have to create the task. After task created then you can add them. Follow below steps. 1. Go to Works and choose Task Management 2. Open the cre...
To remove the file attachment from Task, follow below steps. 1. Go to Works and choose Task Management 2. Open the created task 3. At detail page, click on Edit icon 4. Next, delete the file...
1. Go to Works  and choose Task Management 2. Tap on 3. Click on Task Title 4. On Task Detail Page, Click 5. Update the Progress by changing the Percentage and click on Progress but...
A simplified  task summary to help Manager to have a quick review of staff's task list. Task shall be monitored in weekly or monthly basis. To do that, follow below steps. 1. Go to Works ...
Sometimes a task isn't immediately actionable when you create it, which can make it hard to decide who to assign it to. In these instances, you can leave a task unassigned so it can be claimed or as...
You may Pick a Task from an open pool. It's also called Unassigned Task. 1. Go to Works and choose Task Management 2. Tap on 3. Click on Task Title 3. On Task Detail Page Click  
Subtasks live within tasks and can help you divide your tasks into smaller action items. Subtasks have the same attributes as regular tasks so you can give each subtask their own due date, assignees...
Task Management also allow you to create a Field Works Job as a Subtask. To do that follow the steps. 1. Go to Works and choose Task Management 2. Open the created task 3. On top of task detail...
Long Overdue Task This feature will show total of your created task which is Overdue more than 1 month. Click on the summary box will open a task details. Manage it accordingly. You may either ...
After the task has been updated to “100% Completed” a Notification will be sent to the person who suppose to verify it. Follow the Notification Link or follow below steps to get to Verif...
1. To be able to sync your Task to Google Calendar, first, please Integrate With Google Calendar 2. After Step 1 done, go to Works and choose Task Management 3. Go to My Task tab and select...
If the task require the employee to attend to any place such as Training or doing maintenance job for clients, you may assign a Task which require user to Check-In. GPS will be recorded and show in ...
Individual Task Summary 1. You may find your Task Summary on your Main Dashboard   Department Task Summary If you are the HOD-Head of Department (learn how to set User Account), you are ...
1. Go to Works and choose Task Management 2. Tap on 3. Click on Task Title 4. On Task Detail Page, Click   to start working on this task. System will prompt the Location Map window a...
1. Go to Works  and choose Task Management 2. Open the created task 3. In Task Detail page, click on icon in "Customer" column.
1. Go to Works  and choose Task Management 2. Open the created task 3. In Task Detail page, click on icon in "Marketing Campaign" column.
1. Go to Works  and choose Task Management 2. Open the created task 3. In Task Detail page, click on icon in "Thread" column. *Learn how to manage THREAD here
1. Go to Works  and choose Task Management 2. Open the created task 3. In Task Detail page, click on icon in "Business Goal" column. *Learn how to manage BUSINESS GOAL here.
1. Go to Works  and choose Task Management 2. Open the created task 3. In Task Detail page, click on icon in "Milestone" column. *Learn how to manage Project Milestone here.
Q: Who can create Task? A: Anyone in the organization   Q: Can I assign Task to my Superrior/Boss A: Yes you can   Q: Can I verify my own Task? A: No. you can't. The system will rou...
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