Work Culture > Work Flow > How To Set Work Flow
Step 3: Add Action into Process
Posted by i3Teamworks Admin on 6 Jun 2018

After you have successfully Add the Process , you must Add the Action into each Process. There can be multiple Action in a Process.

Action is compulsory, else Work Flow Template is incomplete and Template Name will not appear in Template List in Step 3- Create Work.

Action is consider as a specific Task or Check List which need to be performed by specific person. Each Action require "Completion" by the Person-In-Charge (PIC)

1. From Process List, click on "+" button next to Process Name to Add the Action into it.

2. Below screen will appear

Field Description:

  • Title - Action Title
  • Description - Write the description about this Action
  • To be Verified By - Set specific person to Verify this Action upon completion, OR set to "No Verification Required"
  • If you have selected the "To be Verified By" then you need to name another person as a backup under "Backup Verified By"
  • CC List - Allow other colleagues to view or keep updated about this Action progress

3. Click button to complete the steps

4. Set Action Properties (optional)

5. Repeat STEP 1 to STEP 3 to add more Actions